I started taking Photos in my early teens, and entered into a related profession because of my deep rooted interested in the ART of Photography. I was brought up in an industrial town where we were generally discouraged from entertaining anything that may actually be enjoyable as a profession. When I had to decide on a course of study in a Technical School I was going to there were two Program options for a wannabe Photographer:
1) Commercial Art - There I would have to compete with countless other creative types in a Program that had very little Photography and much more design. At that time I was convinced that Actual Art - like Drawing, Illustration and Painting was well beyond my capabilities.
2) Graphic Arts - Now there it was, a program that was very technical and also had the biggest Camera I had ever seen. As an added plus the Graphic Arts program was responsible for the production of the school's yearbook including the photography!
Graphic Arts it was - and to stay as close to Photography as possible I specialized in Color Reproduction. Not only did Color pay better, but I started working at a Color Separator that also had a Professional Photo Lab attached and it was my job to do professional photography work in addition to my Graphic Arts responsibilities. Back then the two professions were intricately linked in any case.
And so it was I learned my Profession and also had a lot of fun throughout my career. I never really worried about staying employed because I was always so engrossed in perfecting my trade and adapting to one of the fastest changing industries there is. If responsibilities in my core profession became monotonous or boring I would focus on the photographic aspects always incorporating one expertise with the other.
At some imperceptible point in time it stopped being fun! Wait - I'll take that last statement back and rephrase it.
My career had inevitably advanced in the atmosphere of Corporate America to a point where my strengths based in Technical Capabilities were no longer assets enough to survive superiors who didn't understand what a Technical Asset was. Those superiors were part of a Corporate Hierarchy that demanded that numbers on a spread sheet agreed with their profit projections regardless of what was actually required to provide professional services to it's customers. The job became providing and manipulating numbers instead of providing technical expertise that the profession desperately needs more now than ever. That is NOT enjoyable at all!
So now there is KoehlerCOLOR.com, a site where you can find images that are not only visually striking, but also technically exceptional and perfect for any Color Reproduction method or end use. Not only will you find exceptional Images on KoehlerCOLOR, but you will also find useful information about Photography and/or Color.
Thanks for reading the very first KoehlerCOLOR Blog Posting and check back soon for more!
Chuck Koehler
1) Commercial Art - There I would have to compete with countless other creative types in a Program that had very little Photography and much more design. At that time I was convinced that Actual Art - like Drawing, Illustration and Painting was well beyond my capabilities.
2) Graphic Arts - Now there it was, a program that was very technical and also had the biggest Camera I had ever seen. As an added plus the Graphic Arts program was responsible for the production of the school's yearbook including the photography!
Graphic Arts it was - and to stay as close to Photography as possible I specialized in Color Reproduction. Not only did Color pay better, but I started working at a Color Separator that also had a Professional Photo Lab attached and it was my job to do professional photography work in addition to my Graphic Arts responsibilities. Back then the two professions were intricately linked in any case.
And so it was I learned my Profession and also had a lot of fun throughout my career. I never really worried about staying employed because I was always so engrossed in perfecting my trade and adapting to one of the fastest changing industries there is. If responsibilities in my core profession became monotonous or boring I would focus on the photographic aspects always incorporating one expertise with the other.
At some imperceptible point in time it stopped being fun! Wait - I'll take that last statement back and rephrase it.
My career had inevitably advanced in the atmosphere of Corporate America to a point where my strengths based in Technical Capabilities were no longer assets enough to survive superiors who didn't understand what a Technical Asset was. Those superiors were part of a Corporate Hierarchy that demanded that numbers on a spread sheet agreed with their profit projections regardless of what was actually required to provide professional services to it's customers. The job became providing and manipulating numbers instead of providing technical expertise that the profession desperately needs more now than ever. That is NOT enjoyable at all!
So now there is KoehlerCOLOR.com, a site where you can find images that are not only visually striking, but also technically exceptional and perfect for any Color Reproduction method or end use. Not only will you find exceptional Images on KoehlerCOLOR, but you will also find useful information about Photography and/or Color.
Thanks for reading the very first KoehlerCOLOR Blog Posting and check back soon for more!
Chuck Koehler